(352) 204-0074

Bat Removal in Mount Dora

Mount Dora is a beautiful town filled with exciting outdoor activities, fantastic weather, and thriving homes and businesses. But all this residential and commercial activity takes up space that would normally serve as a home to bats, which means the wild animals are forced to find shelter in unconventional areas. If your Mount Dora home or business is hosting an infestation, contact the team at Critter Control® of Lake County for quick, careful, and legal bat removal. 

Benefits of Bats in Mount Dora FL

Bats are beneficial to the environment and even federally protected in certain seasons. These critters act as insect controllers — because they eat bugs every night. By doing so, bats prevent bugs from destroying crops, allowing farmers and gardeners to save money on treatments and fertilizers. 

However, having a bat inside your Mount Dora property can spell trouble. Bats are known to create health and safety hazards. For example, they carry diseases transmittable to humans and pets. In addition, their droppings, or guano, can create mold and turn toxic. That’s why any Mount Dora homeowner or business owner with a bat problem should turn to Critter Control® of Lake County for help. Our team of trained animal experts specialize in wildlife removal and relocation.

4 Signs That Lead to You Needing Bat Removal Services

Do you think you might have a bat infestation? Here are some signs to look out for: 

1. Guano

Bat droppings are a surefire sign that you’ve got a colony of bats in your building. 

2. Noise

Nighttime noises are common among bats. Listen up for squeaking or fluttering noises, specifically. 

3. Grease

Bats leave greasy streaks along the walls and black stains throughout your building. 

4. Odor

From guano to urine to general stench, bats bring foul odors that permeate throughout your home or business. 

CritterSafe® Mount Dora 4 Step Bat Removal Process

Fast, efficient bat removal in Mount Dora is as important as it is in any other Lake County city. Although there are do-it-yourself solutions, professional pest control is the only way to guarantee complete security and long-term prevention. In fact, our team at Critter Control® created a CritterSafe® method to make sure bats never come back, which includes: 

  1. Inspection

  2. Removal

  3. Repair

  4. Restoration

Critter Professionals in Mount Dora, FL

Bats removal isn’t just dangerous. Because these critters are seasonally protected by state laws, you should always contact a pest professional to make sure you handle your wildlife issue safely and legally. At Critter Control® of Lake County, we can help you understand animal law and take care of your wildlife infestation within the limits of the law.

To schedule a free consultation, call Critter Control of Mount Dora today at 352-204-0074.