(352) 204-0074

How Much Does It Cost to Remove Rodents?

When you spot a rodent on your Lake County property, the most efficient way to get rid of it is to call a wildlife removal specialist. However, what keeps many people from doing so is that they expect professional rodent removal services to result in a rather expensive bill. However, this is not at all the case. Here is what you need to know about the general cost of a rodent removal service.

Cost of a Rodent Removal Service

First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge that there is no single price for a rodent removal service because no rodent infestation is the same. Therefore, the cost of every rodent removal will depend on a few factors. Some of these factors include:

  1. The type of rodent
  2. The size of the infested property
  3. The scale of infestation

However, to look at averages, you can expect your rodent removal service to cost anywhere from $300 to $500. Of course, keep in mind that this price guarantees a thorough inspection and permanent removal, which is not promised when you attempt risky do-it-yourself (DIY) rodent removal methods.

Pricey DIY Rodent Removals

One of the main reasons many will avoid spending money on a rodent removal professional is because they think they can save money by doing it themselves. However, DIY rodent removal can end up costing you more in the long run.

While the upfront costs may seem cheaper, DIY rodent removals often take much longer to finish than professional removal services because amateurs lack the experience and equipment to remove rodents properly. Such delays give the rodents more time to reproduce and expand the overall scale of the infestation. This often results in multiple trips to the hardware store to purchase traps, sprays, and supplies. Therefore, what initially may seem like a cheaper strategy will likely cost you more in the end.

Budget-friendly Rodent Removal Specialists Near You

If you’re looking for a rodent removal specialist in the Lake County area, Critter Control® of Lake County can help.

At Critter Control® of Lake County, our wildlife removal experts are licensed and thoroughly trained to conduct efficient and humane rodent removal services that will permanently take care of any rodent issue that you are currently dealing with.

To schedule your consultation today and receive a free estimate for our effective and safe rodent removal services, call Critter Control® of Lake County at 352-204-0074.
