(352) 204-0074

How to Remove Raccoons from Your Leesburg Property

Are you dealing with unwanted raccoons that mistook your “Welcome” doormat for a complimentary lease agreement? After calling your local wildlife removal experts, take a look around your Leesburg home and note if you see any of the following: food crusted on a pile of dirty dishes, crumbs covering your kitchen floor and counter space, or overgrown tree branches scratching against your windows.

If you’ve spotted one or all of these issues, you may be contributing to your own pest problem. Of course, relying on the help of wildlife experts is the safest way to handle unwanted raccoons, but straightening out those troubled areas and strengthening your cleaning routine can help you to personally deter these unexpected critters from your Leesburg property.

Inside the Home

A seemingly constant supply of food and shelter makes every occupied residence a cozy location for raccoons to settle, but simple interior maintenance will make it difficult for pests to enter or even want to enter. Some tasks that will pest-proof your chore list include:

Around the Yard

As the gateway to your home, your yard gives raccoons a first impression of what’s inside. To make the introduction forgettable to wandering pests, your property needs to be as clean as possible. Yard maintenance tactics that keep pests away include:

What to Avoid

There’s a lot you can do around your home to help remove raccoons and prevent them from entering again, but professionals should be the only ones who physically relocate these critters. When safeguarding your Leesburg home, here are some guidelines to follow:

Raccoon Removal Services in Leesburg

If you encounter a raccoon on your Leesburg property, keep your distance from the animal, and contact the pest removal experts at Critter Control® of Lake County immediately. Our team can safely handle any pest situation and armor your home with the tools to prevent them in the future.

If you have any questions about raccoon removal or want to schedule a free home inspection, call Critter Control of Leesburg at 352-204-0074 today.

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