(352) 204-0074

Mole Removal in Tavares

Moles are invasive rodents that frequently infest Central Florida properties. The burrowing critters are infamous for tearing up residential lawns in search of grubs and other insects. If your Tavares yard is being destroyed by nuisance moles, contact the mole removal professionals at Critter Control® of Lake County.

Moles and the Damage They Cause

If moles get a whiff of the rich, grub-infested soil beneath your Tavares property, they will move in and  set up shop by digging holes and tunnels all over your yard. Not only are these holes unsightly and dangerous to walk around, but mole holes are also known to disrupt plant roots and kill grass, resulting in a patchy and dry lawn. 

Moles can also destroy your property in unexpected ways as their destructive and incessant digging can result in plumbing, electrical, and foundational damage if not resolved. Fortunately, the mole removal experts at Critter Control® of Lake County can help your property avoid this fate.

Safe and Effective Mole Removal Methods

At Critter Control® of Lake County we are dedicated to providing the residents of Tavares with provenly effective mole removal services. Our services include four phases:

  1. Inspection – We conduct a thorough inspection of your property to locate all unwanted pests.
  2. Removal – All invasive creatures are completely and humanely removed.
  3. Restoration – Damaged or contaminated areas are repaired and disinfected.
  4. Prevention – We install preventative devices to ensure moles won’t be bothering your yard again.

Contact Your Tavares Mole Removal Professionals Today

No matter what pests are causing you trouble, the licensed and trained wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Lake County will provide fast, humane, and affordable services. For more information on our mole removal services or to schedule an inspection of your Tavares property and receive a complimentary estimate, call Critter Control® of Lake County today at 352-204-0074.