(352) 204-0074

Opossum Removal in Lake County

Beautiful Lake County, Florida is situated northwest of Orlando. Its Central Florida cities like Clermont, Eustis, Mt. Dora, and Leesburg are each bordered by lakes, conservation land, and heavy forestation. These areas are prime homes for various wildlife such as opossums. Oftentimes, these critters will wander into neighborhoods and business districts looking for food and shelter.

If you believe your home or business has been invaded by unwelcomed opossums, contact the professionals at Critter Control® of Lake County for fast and humane opossum removal.

3 Signs of Unwanted Opossums in Lake County

Opossums are nocturnal and seek seclusion during the day to take care of their many young. To verify opossums are disturbing your Lake County residential or commercial property, you’ll need to look out for the following signs:

  1. Opossum droppings – Their feces are about one-to-two inches in length and brown in color with a yellow or white tinge to them.
  2. Opossum noises – At night, listen for rustling in your garden or yard, clicking noises, and possibly even growling. Your pets might also be attuned to their noise making and bark or scratch at windows and walls.
  3. Opossum tracks – Opossums have small front paws and larger back paws with long claws which they use to climb trees to escape from predators on the ground. Their paw prints are very recognizable and you will likely see them on walkways, car hoods, and flower beds.

If you hear, see, or smell any of these telltale signs of opossums inside or outside of your property, it’s time to call Critter Control® of Lake County before repair or landscaping costs rack up from their destructive behavior.

Safe and Humane Opossum Removal Methods

Opossum removal is a task not recommended to be taken on alone. DIY opossum removal methods aren’t effective or safe enough to get rid of the critters and prevent them from returning. For safe, humane opossum removal and exclusion, the trained specialists at Critter Control® of Lake County utilize a four-step CritterSafe® strategy, which includes: 

  1. Inspection
  2. Removal
  3. Exclusion
  4. Restoration

Professional Lake County Opossum Removal

At Critter Control® of Lake County, we pride ourselves on using eco-friendly and humane methods of removal when it comes to getting rid of unwanted critters inside your home or workplace. If you encounter opossums on your Lake County property, keep your distance and contact the wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Lake County immediately at 352-204-0074 to schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate for our opossum removal services.