(352) 204-0074

Opossum Removal in Tavares

Surrounded by lovely lakes and beautiful forests, Tavares is a quaint Florida town that is inviting to both residents and visitors of all ages. However, with such natural landscapes, Tavares also attracts a variety of wildlife — including opossums. While mostly docile creatures, opossums can cause significant damage and become a starling nuisance to residential homes and commercial businesses.

Given their nocturnal nature, you might not notice such critters during daylight; however, if you do see signs of opossum activity on or within your Tavares property, then you should contact the professional wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Lake County immediately.

3 Signs of Opossums on Your Tavares Property

Mostly active at night, opossums roam about quiet areas where they can avoid predators, search for food, and safely nurture their young. Three common giveaway signs that point to opossums in your vicinity include:

  1. Tracks – Opossums’ back paws are larger than their front paws, so their tracks can be identified by a pattern of smaller marks followed by bigger rear imprints.
  2. Noises – An alternative way to identify opossums is to listen out for clicking or growling sounds, the first is their mating call and the second they let out when intimidated.
  3. Droppings – Brown droppings around your property can also be evidence that opossums have made themselves at home in your residence.

Problematic Opossum Behavior

Opossums play dead to avoid confrontation and hardly ever attack humans, but they can spook your pets and cause costly property damage. These critters can also carry diseases and mites that can infect and pose a health threat to you and your loved ones.

More frequently, opossums rummage around gardens and are notorious for ruining fruit and vegetable crops. These nuisance intruders can cost you unnecessary time and money replanting and maintaining your garden, and their tendency to scavenge from garbage cans may also leave unwanted trash trails — which means more undesired cleaning expenses.

Our 4-Step CritterSafe® Opossum Removal Method

Opossum invasions differ every time, which is why you need a professional diagnosis of your situation to thoroughly remove opossums from your property and avoid their return. For complete and permanent opossum removal, do not hesitate to rely on our professional team at Critter Control® of Lake County and our certified four-step CritterSafe® strategy, which includes:

  1. Inspection
  2. Removal
  3. Prevention
  4. Restoration

Expert Tavares Opossum Removal

To prevent damage to your property and unnecessary restoration fees, opossums must be repelled from your Tavares property sooner rather than later. The faster these nuisance critters are removed, the less damage they can cause to your property, and the less expensive your repair costs will be. If you see these critters anywhere near your property, maintain a safe distance and contact our opossum removal specialists at Critter Control® of Lake County as soon as possible so our removal team can arrange a wildlife management plan tailored for your needs.

Call Critter Control® of Lake County today at 352-204-0074 to schedule a free inspection and estimate from one of our wildlife experts.