(352) 204-0074

The Most Effective Ways to Keep Rodents Out of Your Garden and Yard

Spotting a rodent scurry across your yard or through your garden can be a disturbing and frightening experience. While it is possible the rodent you see is the only one around, it is very unlikely. Because rodents are known to nest and breed quickly after invading a property. Therefore, it is important to be proactive about keeping rodents away from your home. Here are some of the most effective ways to keep invasive rodents out of your garden and yard.

Efficient Rodent Removal Tips

Rodents love places that offer an abundance of hiding spots. Unkept yards are especially ideal for rodents because they can hide well amongst the tall grass and overgrown vegetation. One way to keep your yard undesirable for rodents is by mowing it regularly and keeping it well-maintained.

Rodents are always on the lookout for easy access to food. One common place that rats target for quick and easy nourishment is an outdoor trash can. Make your property less attractive to hungry rats by securing your garbage cans with tightly sealed or lockable lids that the pests cannot penetrate.

Another great method for keeping out rodents is putting a fence around your yard or garden. In particular, a small mesh fence can protect your vegetable garden from destructive rodents in search of a free meal.

While the above tips may help to deter rodents from your property, once they are in your yard or garden, rats are very difficult to eliminate. Ultimately, the most effective way to keep rodents out of your yard and garden is to contact professional rodent removal experts.

If you live in the Central Florida area, rely on the rodent removal professionals at Critter Control® of Lake County for fast and effective rodent removal services.

Rodent Removal Services in Lake County

When dealing with a rodent issue on your Lake County property, contact the rodent removal professionals at Critter Control® of Lake County. Our licensed and trained wildlife removal professionals are equipped to perform fast, effective, and permanent rodent removal services. Not only will we remove all unwanted pests, but we will also clean any contamination and repair any damages caused by the infestation.

To schedule an inspection of your Lake County property and receive a complimentary estimate for our rodent removal services, call Critter Control® of Lake County today at 352-204-0074.
